Ducklings is a lively, happy and stimulating environment, which offers greater opportunities for your child to explore and express themselves.

ducklingsImaginative play is encouraged as this stimulates a healthy interest and curiosity in their world, supporting children to engage in pretend play.

Sharing toys, taking turns and playing games together help children to understand how to interact with other children and develop caring relationships with each other.

Music and singing time, story-time and outdoor play form a large part of Ducklings daily routine, along with messy and creative play. A simple structured activities program helps to develop basic concentration and listening skills.

During snack and mealtimes the children are encouraged to eat independently using cutlery and learn the first steps in communal dining at our ‘Toddler Table’ which is always lots of fun.

A separate area is available for a nap as and when required. A cot, comfortable sleep mats, pillows and blankets are provided. We also have pushchairs available, if this is a preferred sleeping arrangement for your child.

All aspects of your child’s day, care and learning experiences will be recorded on the Famly App. Ducklings offers a first experience of practical simple structure, with a stable, secure environment based on care, fun and enjoyment.

Book a Tour

See our nursery in person by requesting a personal tour.