Nature & Outdoor Play
We offer an exciting, safe, stimulating practical large outdoor environment, which mirrors the indoor curriculum and resources. Our garden is a safe place for your child to experience squirrels and birds living in their natural habitat.

play and learn

We believe outdoor play and exploration are vital elements to a child’s play and learning experience.

Your child will become little scientist in our garden — exploring, observing and making sense of the natural world. Children are encouraged to investigate similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. They will make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes. The added natural elements of snow, wind and rain, only go to enhance the already excellent provision.

The environment, both inside and out, nourishes the soul and body and has a formative influence on your child. Intimate home-like corners and domestic tasks provides a place where the children are comfortable, relaxed and open to learn. Respecting the natural environment is also encouraged — curiosity, gratitude, awe and wonder are nurtured through an appreciation of the beauty of nature, plants, insects and animals. It calls on their fantasy and creativity and provides possibilities for them to relate to the world.

Our garden is the best it can be for each child to learn and explore. There are age appropriate toys, large modern climbing equipment, including a pirate ship, slides and a house.

There are sensory areas including a sandpit, water play, wildlife and mini beast areas. We also have a separate all weather surface which is used for tricycles, scooters and is ideal in providing a safe area for babies.

Book a Tour

See our nursery in person by requesting a personal tour.