Early Years Curriculum
Our aim is to strengthen your child’s personal, social and emotional development, preparing your child to become well rounded, confident, happy, independent individuals ready to embrace new experiences and learning.

The nursery incorporates the Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) framework, September 2023 to support children’s play and learning. The EYFS covers birth – five years and are divided up through the following:

A unique child – Every child is a competent learner from birth.
Positive relationships – Children learn to be strong and independent.
Enabling Environments – The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children and learning and development.
Learning and Development – Children develop in different ways and at different times and all areas of learning and development are important.

The curriculum is all the planned and unplanned activities that are organised within the nursery and are heavily based on your child's interests or the environment and yearly events and festivals. Our aim is to strengthen your child’s personal, social and emotional development which underpins all the curriculum areas plus their holistic development and confidence in attending group care.

Seven Areas of Development

Planning within the EYFS covers the 7 areas of development, with most activities lending themselves to cross curricula learning, such as a scientific activity which would involve counting or sorting.

Prime Areas

  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical development

Specific Areas

  • Expressive arts and design
  • Mathematics
  • Literacy
  • Understanding the world

Characteristics of Learning

The characteristics of effective learning and the prime and specific areas of learning and development are all interconnected. The ways in which the child engages with other people and their environment – playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically – underpin learning and development across all areas and support the child to remain an effective and motivated learner.

What does the term 'Pedagogy' mean? Pedagogy relates to the 'how', or practice of educating. It refers to, 'that set of instructional techniques and strategies which enable learning to take place and provide opportunities for the acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions within a particular social and material context. It refers to the interactive process between teacher and learner and to the learning environment,' (Siraj-Blatchford et al. 2002). It concerns the 'how' of adult and child interaction, whilst recognising that how children learn and develop at this stage is not just subject to what is intended to be taught, but it is also of particular importance how it is facilitated — 

Wall, Litgens and Tagume 2015

Book a Tour

See our nursery in person by requesting a personal tour.