Daycare Sessions
Fees are subject to review in April 2024

For up to date prices, please contact the nursery.

All fees are inclusive of

  • Nappies, wipes and nappy cream
  • Emergency paracetamol or antihistamine

Extra Sessions

Extra sessions, either booked in advance or at short notice, can be paid for on the day and are subject to availability. These sessions are charged at £1 over the daycare rates stated above. 24hours notice is required to cancel these sessions.


The nursery offers the following discounts

  • 10% sibling discount
  • 15% full time discount
  • Full time = Monday through to Friday from 8am until 6pm

Meals and Snacks

Included in the session price

  • Breakfast
  • Mid morning snack
  • Home cooked lunch and dessert
  • Afternoon snack
  • Light tea


Fresh drinking water is available to children at all times and we encourage children to bring a labelled water bottle to the session. We promote drinking water to support our Toothbrush Club and health policy. We provide full cream and semi skimmed cows milk and soya milk as an alternative. Our aim is to discourage children drinking juice whilst at nursery. .

Formula Milk

The nursery does not provide formula milk. Parents and carers must bring sufficient quantities of formula for their child for the staff to make up fresh for the babies to drink.

Fees are calculated annually by first deducting the contracted holiday discount, then dividing the balance into 12 equal monthly payments which are due in advance of the childcare on the 1st of each month.

Fees are payable by bank transfer, employer vouchers or from the government tax free childcare scheme.

The nursery is open 52 weeks per year and is closed on Saturdays Sundays and all statutory public holidays.

To Book a Place

To book a place we require you to complete the nursery admissions pack which you will receive on your visit. Once we receive the form with the £20 booking fee, we will reserve the place and send you your log in to access our Famly App.

Absence and Holiday

The nursery does not give concessions for absences other than the annual discount stated in the contract eg no concessions for additional holidays, days off and illness.

Changes to Booked Sessions

Due to staff child ratios, sessions which are booked cannot be swapped or held in lieu.

The nursery requires one months notice to cancel or reduce a booking.

Childcare Government Funded Sessions

All children aged three and four are entitled to part-time funded childcare sessions varying from 10 – 20 hours per week. The standard entitlement of 10 hours is automatically applied for by the nursery on your behalf. To claim the additional 10 hours an application must be made online at Childcare Choices. This is available to claim in school term time following your child’s 3rd/2nd birthday.

Nursery Education Grants are also available for 2-year-olds, if you are receiving any of these benefits —

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Universal Credit (you and your partner combined income is less than £15,400 a year after tax)
  • Tax credits and your family have an annual income under £16,190 before tax
  • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Support through part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act
  • Working Tax Credit 4 week run on

If you are not receiving any of the above benefits, your 2-year-old can still get free childcare if any of the following apply —

  • They are looked after by local council
  • They have a current statement of special education needs (SEN) or an education, health and care (EHC) plan
  • They get Disability Living Allowance
  • They've left care under a special guardianship order, child arrangements order or adoption order

At Hackenthorpe Hall we deliver the funded hours to children every week, all year, by stretching the Term Time allocation of 15-30 hours over the full year.

Option 1
School term time (38 weeks) — offer of 15 hours per week

The nursery delivers 10 hours every week.

Option 2
School term time (38weeks) — offer of 30 hours per week

The nursery delivers 20 hours every week.

The nursery provides breakfast, morning and afternoon snacks FREE OF CHARGE to every child accessing these funded sessions.

Milk and water are available throughout the day.

If you decide to take up the option of nursery lunch and tea, there is a charge which is payable one month in advance.

Lunch £3.00
Tea £2.00

Lunch and tea charges are optional and funded session can be accessed completely free of charge. Parents and carers are welcome to send a healthy packed lunch or tea instead and we offer help on what to include to give an inclusive experience for your child. Due to managing children’s allergies and in support of our toothbrush club and health policy, certain items such as nuts, nut products, chocolate, sweeties and juice are discouraged in packed food from home.

Term Time Contracts

For children and families with specific circumstances only, we have limited number of term time places available where Government funding is claimed. Please ask Management for details on what is available.

Tax Credits

If you are a working parent or main carer you could be entitled to money from the Government to help you pay for childcare. Call the Inland Revenue tax credits helpline on 0345 300 3900 or use their website:

You will need the nursery OFSTED registration number for your claim of tax credits please contact the manager for details.

Please go to Childcare Choices

Employer Voucher Schemes

The nursery accepts payments from All Employer voucher using the salary sacrifice method.

We are registered with:
Computer Share
BusyBee Benefit.

HMRC Tax Free Childcare accounts

If your employer does not have a scheme you can use Tax Free Childcare at HMRC.

You can get up to £500 every 3 months (£2,000 a year) for each of your children to help with your nursery fees. If you open an account under the Tax-Free Childcare scheme, the Government will pay £2 for every £8 you pay your childcare provider via an online account. You can use it to pay for approved childcare.

Tax-Free Childcare can still be claimed at the same time as free funded childcare sessions if you’re eligible for both. You can access the account to pay any fees you incur in addition to the free funded government sessions.


In order to enrol your child with us, please click on the following links or give us a call for more information.

Registration Form
Terms and Conditions

Book a Tour

See our nursery in person by requesting a personal tour.